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The word “tithe” in Hebrew means “tenth,” and is the Biblical practice of giving 10% of your income, most commonly, to your local church. The Bible first mentions tithing in Genesis 14 when Abraham gives tithes to the High Priest Melchizedek, a figure often associated with the Messiah.


Tithing is not a way to earn favor with God and is definitely not a requirement for salvation. God is honored by our offerings no matter the amount or percentage and has asked us to boldly “test him” in tithing.



We tithe as an expression of our trust in God’s character and provision. Tithing properly orients our priorities away from the love of money and towards the love of God and His Kingdom. Practicing generosity gives us the opportunity to become more like our generous heavenly Father. It helps us to acknowledge that all of our blessings have come from God and in response, displays our gratitude and devotion to Him.


If you would like to mail a check you can send it to our church office at: 

8320 La Jolla Scenic Dr N, La Jolla, CA 92037



 Thank you for sowing into all God is doing in San Diego. Your generosity is a celebration of the Lord’s goodness towards this community, to those in need, and to those sharing the Gospel worldwide.


We want to be a blessing to our city and help people in tangible ways. One of our values is "action," and Random Acts of Aloha is where we put our money where our mouth is. So far, that’s looked like: cleaning up graffiti in our neighborhoods, connecting people to mental health professionals, organizing a dad of two to receive free Lasik eye surgery, gifting a once homeless family with a beautiful home makeover, delivering floral arrangements for women in a high risk pregnancy unit, and supporting survivors of human trafficking.


The book of James poses a question asking, "What good is it to wish someone well without meeting their physical needs?" Random Acts of Aloha is our attempt to align our work with our faith.


Have an idea? Contact us!

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